FARABOLI FORMAGGI is a family company, settled in 1971 by Rino and Silvio Brothers, on the historical Emilia Street, between Parma and Fidenza, specialized in the production of Parmigiano Reggiano, called “ the king of the cheese”, for his particular taste and high quality.

The company cares personally, in their factory, the important seasoning phase, using the old heater firewood, that allows the maturation of the product with ancient methods, that guarantees fragrance and true taste.

Main products

Parmigiano Reggiano Dop di Sola Bruna

The value of the Bruna is given by the remarkable contents of fat (around 4%) and above all of protein (3,5. 3,8%) a non verifiable combination in other races grown in the world.
Tis Parmesan cheese has two Consortium of guardianship, the Consortium of cheese-Reggiano Parmesan, that cares for the conformity with the Disciplinary of the Denomination of Protected (origin ( DOP) and the Consortium “disolabruna” that works to promote and valorise, protect and spread in the world the typical products arising from the cattle’s of Bruna race.


Caciocavallo is a pasta spun half- naked cheese.
The taste is sweet and becomes e spicy when the seasoning is advanced.
Cheese rich in vitamins, mineral salts, proteins, and from the strong nourishing qualities.

Grana padano Dop

Grana Padano it is a cheese of hard pasta that, after the seasoning, it preserves the nourishing principles of the milk and it purchased an unmistakable taste.
Grana Padano is a DOP cheese ( Denomination of Protected Origin), according to the Regulations of the U.E., number 1107/96.

Grana Padano è un formaggio a pasta dura, cotta ed a lenta maturazione, prodotto con coagulazione per azione del caglio, da latte crudo di vacca la cui alimentazione base è costituita di foraggi verdi o conservati, proveniente da due mungiture giornaliere, riposato e parzialmente decremato per affioramento naturale della panna.
Oggi il Grana Padano è un formaggio a Denominazione di origine protetta (Dop), ai sensi del regolamento dell’Unione Europea numero 1107/96.

Parmigiano Reggiano Dop

Parmigiano Reggiano contains only 30% of water and well 70% of nourishing substances: for this reason, it is a cheese rich in proteins, vitamins and mineral.
The Reggiano Parmesan cheese is a DOP product( Denomination of Protected origin), according to the European Regulations EEC 2081/92 and (US) N. 1107/96.
The product Parmigiano Reggiano shows, on its external side, the mark of its protected origin.

Parmigiano reggiano contiene solo il 30% di acqua e ben il 70% di sostanze nutritive: per questo è un formaggio ricchissimo di proteine, vitamine e minerali.
Il Parmigiano Reggiano è un prodotto a Denominazione d’Origine Protetta (D.O.P.), secondo la norma europea del Reg. CEE 2081/92 ed il riconoscimento del Reg. (CE) N. 1107/96. Il Parmigiano-Reggiano deve riportare sulla parte esterna della forma i contrassegni nella loro integrità atti a identificare e distinguere il prodotto.

Provolone Valpadana Dop

The Provolone Valpadana is a spun pasta cheese obtained by whole bovine milk with natural acidity of fermentation.
In 1996 the Provolone Valpadana obtained the DOP recognition Denomination of Protected Origin (Reg. US N. 1107/96 of the Committee of June 12 1996).

Shelf life : 6 months
Annual production: 3.000
Export Countries : U.E
Certifications: DOP (Denomination of Protected Origin)

Address & Contact

Our Address

Via Salvo D’Acquisto , 1 43010 Pontetaro di Fontevivo ( Parma)


44.827849, 10.213885000000005
