Premìum product for premium companies.
The company is located in Controne (province of Salerno) which is about 200 meters above the sea level, and it is spread over 3,5 hectares of land.
Its activities consist in: bee breeding, olive cultivation, walnut cuiltivation, orchard cuiltivation.
The company run by Mr.Angelo Campagna, was set up in 1995 as a farm producing honey land related products), exstra-virgin olive oil andthe typical Controne beans.
Its possible reaching us by driving through A3 motorway down to Campagna,then keep goingtovmrds Castelcivita caves till you get in downtown Controne; the company is located at about one kilometer from the main square, driving through Acquaviva street.
The company tends to give value to honey production as well as providing for detailed information concerning honeys organic and nutritional features, it also arranges for guided tours ofthe farm , with the opportunity of sharing the various production steps, visiting the various bee hives and tastingthe different types of honey.
The company regularly competes regional and national honey trials and it often wins awards and quality statements, especially for light mixed—flowers honey and the very special sulla honey.
The company also participates to the annual Controne bean fair, which is held onthe last week—end of november, through the historical alleys of downtown Controne.
The company applies nomadism, in accordance with the seasonal blooming with in the honey production area in order to diversify production and obtain atop quality product.

Our products
Sulla honey Chestnut tree honey Eucalyptus honey, different mixed—flowers honey all equipped with BIO certification issued by ICEA; Controne beans, extra-virgin olive oil.
Due gocce d`oro – Premium Italian Honeys award, Giulio Piana award, Top Ouality Centificate — Honeys coming from italian natural parks, Top Ouality Certificate — Organic Honey; italian honey fair held in Foligno, Winner of the first prize at Biomiel 2010, finalist at ”mixed—flowers honey display”; food paracle, Turin 21/25 October 201 0.

Agrìmell – Typical products of Alburni
Address of production plant – Via Acquaviva, 3 84020 Controne (SA)
ph. and fax 0828 772405
Chairman – Mr.Angelo Campagna – Establìshrment year 1995
Export office phon number – +39 0828 772405
Number of employess 3
Share capital
Sole trader Honey annuola production 20 honey % International trade 10 %
Package – glass jar of Honey 1 kg / 500 gr
Pallet dimension 80cmx120xH190cm
Export Countries
European Union Main products Chestnut tree noney, Mixed—flower Honey, Sulla honey Eucalyptus honey, Controne beans, Extra virgin ohlive oil sold by measure.

Address & Contact

Our Address

Acquaviva N° 3, 84020 Controne SA


40.519484, 15.198018000000047

